THIS WEEK - Shrinks, Oaths, and Stupid Editing at The NY Times
Joined by regular pinch-hitter Chappy, the Herd follows up on last weeks' Evolutionary Psychology conversation by discussing psychology of the non-evolutionary kind. We wonder: Is psychoanalysis somewhat "faith-based"? Why isn't god-belief considered delusional? Or would atheism be seen as a problem requiring therapy? (0:00)
The Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) wants to take on the government in an attempt to preclude it from essentially forcing new citizens to swear "so help me god". Wouldn't a freethinking new American be loath to complain about that oath as part of the ceremony? Some of us think we need to concentrate on removing god from ALL public affirmations. (17:26)
The Herd agrees: Let's do away with government oaths to god. But how do we accomplish that? Evo has a faith-based all-encompassing solution! Chappy argues — one step at a time! But this is all about Evo's reality. We swear! (34:12)
Late-breaking news: If Obama is elected, he'll be America's first black President! Is that too obvious for us to mention? Well, you may be right. After all, we're not The New York Times? Ex offers another goddamned puzzle: Can Venjanz keep his perfect record going? (46:58)
Opening Music [00:00]: excerpt from "Another Goddamned Draft"
Bridge Music [16:38]: excerpt from "Heathen Boogie" by Rachel Murie
Bridge Music [33:02]: excerpt from "Star Spangled Banner"
Bridge Music [46:17]: excerpt from "Latin Down the Hatches" by Rachel Murie
Closing Music [59:17]: excerpt from "As Jazzy as I Get" by Rachel Murie
(All music: copyright 2008 by Rachel Murie where noted)
This Week's Goddamned Links
What's Psychoanalysis?
FFRF's News Release about the Citizenship Oath
Colbert on McLaughlin's Claim (starts at 3:30)
New York Times: Was Harding our First Black President?
Puzzling Listeners
Cephus, Venjanz